It is crazy to think about but the above headline is kinda true. Even though Christmas is a week away the spring rush is closing in upon us. That means that planning for next years crops is already in the works. We just recieved our first shipment of seed from Gurney's. We got enough to get us thru the spring and summe rplanting seasons. Next thing on the list is to find a tiller that we can purchase or one to rent so We can plow up the fields. We currently have the cows out on the plot where we will have the garden and they are doing some fertilizing for us but we will soon have to rope them out of the area to give it a little less hoof preasure. Again as we stated earlier it is our goal to grow all of our own meat and veggies for 2011 and beyond so we have been working extra hard to prepare the ground in the right way.
As with our cows we will be practicing a sustainable approach to our garden meaning no pesticides for use. We will do all of the weeding either with a tiller or by hand (both is more likely) and will plant in aoordance with the organic practices to take natural allies together (e.g. tomatoes and cucumbers).
Spring also means that we can hear the chirping of little chicks in our future. We will be getting about 100 broilers in the mail to raise and use for chicken (yum!). Out on pasture of course in a salatin style pen. If anyone of our friends in Tennessee would like to buy some feel free to drop us a line on the blog or at Since we are not looking to get into too much federal regulation we will sell you the live bird and then dress it for free if you so desire. Again, in order to do this you must pre order the birds otherwise we fall into all sorts of govt regulations. As we all know the government is good for about nothing and food inspection is unfortunatly not any diffrent. Note the egg salmanila breakout earlier this year. Again this is why we have stuck out on this path and hope that we can grow a good customer base to support Logan's goal of staying at home with the kids. If you like what we are doing than support a family like ours in your local area. You can find people who believe in sustanable agriculture at or do a goole search for grass fed.
Blog about our search for 5 acres and independance. Follow along as we try and create our all natural farm complete with cattle, chickens, pigs, and who knows what else!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Animals and the snow
Well it has finally happened. We have gotten our first patch of that wintry goodness known as snow. While we have had some in the air before this was the first that stuck to the ground. What a joy it was to wake up and find our five acres covered in a blanket of wintry white. The joy of the moment was immediately offset when I took my first step out into this winter wonderland and was hit by the 20 mph wind and the 24 (but feels like -10) degree weather. Why would any human subject himself to such a harsh treatment? To feed the animals of course. As with all things in life the farm doesn’t stop being a farm just because you are tired, or sick, or at work. No it goes on in its drumbeat low and steady. The first worry was whether or not our beloved hens had survived this clod snap. While we have been at these temperatures a couple of times this year it had never gotten this windy before and of course had never snowed with such vigor. Usually we are awoken every morning at 5 am by the sweet serenade of our rooster beckoning the sun to come up over the horizon. Well much to my surprise the only noise that arose me this morning was my alarm clock going off at 5:15 drawing me from my deep slumber under the warm sheets. The thought immediately raced thru my head about the chickens and the cattle having turned into blocks off ice like you would see in a bugs bunny cartoon.
So it was with this image instilled in my head that I trotted out to the chicken coop. usually as I am leaving for work at 6 the chickens have already ventured out form the coop and occupy the back yard looking for breakfast. As I glance around hoping the the snow had somehow came lodged them my sense of worry began to deepen. Then right as I turned to open the first hatch I heard the most joyous noise of clucking as the hens had surely been alerted to the presence of a stranger outside. I opened up the door and found all my ladies huddled up but looking rather chipper as if the too had longed to sleep in without the rooster stirring them from their slumber. I quickly fed the brood some corm mash and while that did peak the interest of a few to come down from their roost most remained tucked away from the elements. By this time all the commotion from the hens had drawn my cattle into the front pasture for a closer look.
The guys looked good as they had a thick layer of snow covering their fur but were showing little signs of not being well fed. I broke the ice in their trough and laid out a bale of hay for them to much on. We ended up sticking a deal with the neighbor for some good cheap hay that I am using as a supplement. After laying out the hay I opened up the next section of winter pasture for them to graze on. As usual they had a great time trouncing around in the fresh pasture and despite the snow cover they dove right in and began pushing snow out of the way to unearth the delicious forage below. While I had read that they would do this it was great to see that they actually would eat thru snow given the opportunity to graze good quality grass. It reinforced even further the idea that what we were trying to accomplish going the all natural sustainable route was already working!.
So animals are more resilient than we give them credit for. The have taken this snow in stride and seem no worse for the snow!.
P.S. We have changed the settings where anyone can comment so fell free. You need not be a member.
Grazing on stored forage.
So it was with this image instilled in my head that I trotted out to the chicken coop. usually as I am leaving for work at 6 the chickens have already ventured out form the coop and occupy the back yard looking for breakfast. As I glance around hoping the the snow had somehow came lodged them my sense of worry began to deepen. Then right as I turned to open the first hatch I heard the most joyous noise of clucking as the hens had surely been alerted to the presence of a stranger outside. I opened up the door and found all my ladies huddled up but looking rather chipper as if the too had longed to sleep in without the rooster stirring them from their slumber. I quickly fed the brood some corm mash and while that did peak the interest of a few to come down from their roost most remained tucked away from the elements. By this time all the commotion from the hens had drawn my cattle into the front pasture for a closer look.
The guys looked good as they had a thick layer of snow covering their fur but were showing little signs of not being well fed. I broke the ice in their trough and laid out a bale of hay for them to much on. We ended up sticking a deal with the neighbor for some good cheap hay that I am using as a supplement. After laying out the hay I opened up the next section of winter pasture for them to graze on. As usual they had a great time trouncing around in the fresh pasture and despite the snow cover they dove right in and began pushing snow out of the way to unearth the delicious forage below. While I had read that they would do this it was great to see that they actually would eat thru snow given the opportunity to graze good quality grass. It reinforced even further the idea that what we were trying to accomplish going the all natural sustainable route was already working!.
So animals are more resilient than we give them credit for. The have taken this snow in stride and seem no worse for the snow!.
P.S. We have changed the settings where anyone can comment so fell free. You need not be a member.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How to follow this blog
In this new era of facebook, twitter, and the like it is easy to get caught up with how many friends or followers you have. You can find yourself measuring your stature in society based off of 2 simple social network numbers. We here at the little feet farm blog are no different. We look with obsession on how many people are following our blog. Some of you have asked how to do this so here is a quick recap of how. Also in order to comment you need to be following us. SO get our self esteem up a few points and click follow.
Step 1.) Right under the picture of our cows you will see a tab that says follow this blog. Click it.
Step 2) A second browser window will open up and you can at that point do 1 of 2 things
a.)If you have a yahoo, google, or any account listed in the tab you just need to click those and sign in using your info. e.g put in your yahoo! id and password. You will then click follow this blog (either publicly or privatly)
b.) if you do not have an account with one of the 3 services you can create a google account by clicking the link at the bottom of the window. THis will give you g-mail and all sorts of other fun stuff but most important you will get to follow us (so we feel good) and make fun of us in the comment section
Step 3) get e-mails when we post new stuff and go back and add comments to past links.
Thats all it takes. Please share your memories with us and the world wide web. i have heard so many nice things from some of you and look forward to those being shared with friends and future customers!!
Step 1.) Right under the picture of our cows you will see a tab that says follow this blog. Click it.
Step 2) A second browser window will open up and you can at that point do 1 of 2 things
a.)If you have a yahoo, google, or any account listed in the tab you just need to click those and sign in using your info. e.g put in your yahoo! id and password. You will then click follow this blog (either publicly or privatly)
b.) if you do not have an account with one of the 3 services you can create a google account by clicking the link at the bottom of the window. THis will give you g-mail and all sorts of other fun stuff but most important you will get to follow us (so we feel good) and make fun of us in the comment section
Step 3) get e-mails when we post new stuff and go back and add comments to past links.
Thats all it takes. Please share your memories with us and the world wide web. i have heard so many nice things from some of you and look forward to those being shared with friends and future customers!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Farm Fresh Eggs
Much to our surprise and joy the hens have started laying eggs. It all happened quite quickly and as with all other ventures on this farm it gave us a neat story to blog about. We were coming home after church and as usual the hens had gotten onto the porch. As my wife likes to say she can now relate to the old ladies in the movies that would shoo away hens with a broom from the porch. Anyway these guys would normally go scurrying off into the rest of the yard and allow us to pass but one of the hens did not move an inch. I remarked rather candidly that :She looks like she is about to lay an egg”. Of course I did not have the slightest clue that my skills as a fortune teller were so in tune. Anyway we scurry all the kids inside to take an afternoon nap and as usual 5 things were left behind in the car. I step out onto the front porch and what do I see but an egg and no hen. I must have squealed like a little girl b/c Logan came rushing out to make sure I had not fallen and we both looked very excitedly down at our new little treasure. Since this was the first egg we both pinky swore to wait and enjoy it as a family and suffer thru the store bought eggs for a while. Almost like clockwork the rest of the hens started laying and thankfully they all figured out that their home was a good place for egg laying. I really was not looking forward to the idea of having an Easter egg hunt on a daily basis.
We are now getting 4-6 eggs per day and as the season winds down we don’t expect those numbers to increase very much. Unlike the conventional egg farmer we do not use artificial light or coup them up in cages,. They are free range and lay according to the season which means as the days get shorter they will lay less often which is perfectly fine with us. This allow us to enjoy some of the best eggs you have ever had. The other interesting thing is that the shells are very tough to break. We feed out hens a free range mineral of oyster shells and grit which apparently is not give to your grocery store eggs.
Anyway it has been way to long for a post but I can promise there will be more coming. We have started our winter rotation for our cows and have yet to feed a single bale of hay and yet every other farmer in our county has to crank up the diesel tractor and lay out some. Ah the smell of profits in the morning. Or is that something on my boots? Also we will be sharing our seed buying adventures. Planting season starts in earnest in February and we look forward to growing fresh food well into August.
Until next time all of us from little feet farm are wishing all of you a happy holiday season.
We are now getting 4-6 eggs per day and as the season winds down we don’t expect those numbers to increase very much. Unlike the conventional egg farmer we do not use artificial light or coup them up in cages,. They are free range and lay according to the season which means as the days get shorter they will lay less often which is perfectly fine with us. This allow us to enjoy some of the best eggs you have ever had. The other interesting thing is that the shells are very tough to break. We feed out hens a free range mineral of oyster shells and grit which apparently is not give to your grocery store eggs.
Anyway it has been way to long for a post but I can promise there will be more coming. We have started our winter rotation for our cows and have yet to feed a single bale of hay and yet every other farmer in our county has to crank up the diesel tractor and lay out some. Ah the smell of profits in the morning. Or is that something on my boots? Also we will be sharing our seed buying adventures. Planting season starts in earnest in February and we look forward to growing fresh food well into August.
Until next time all of us from little feet farm are wishing all of you a happy holiday season.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The rooster has learned to crow
So we are sitting outside having fun with the kids when all of the sudden we here Cock-a-doodle-do. Just at that moment we look over to see our proud rooster with his head cocked sidways like wow did I just do that. Then I look back at my wife with eyes the size of saucers thinking wow did he just do that. So now we have a country alarm clock. Oh boy this will be fun!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The Self Sufficient Life
The mission is changing. Well the mission is being slightly altered would be a more accurate statement. When we originally moved onto our five acres I wanted a place where I could create a business plan for profitable small acreage farm. While that goal is still at the forefront of the decisions we have made from a livestock perspective I have discovered a second and equally challenging goal. After stumbling across the book by John Seymour The self-sufficient life and how to live it I have been challenged and inspired to have this simple five acre plot be a place where we as a family can grow and produce all of the food we would need to eat year round. While this may not be an easy goal it is one that I hope to be able to bring to fruition in the next five years.
My wife and I have started a journey to get out of the rat race of life. i truly enjoy going to work and am blessed to be working for a great company that is stable and safe. If there is one thing I have learned for the great recession it is that depending on the safety of a paycheck is no way to live life. We have sought the council of many people including the teachings of Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, Donald Trump, ect... and have come to the conclusion that living life free from the chains of debt is the best way for us to raise our family and allow our children to live a life better than ours. Isn't that the goal of any parent to have their child live in a way better than they were able to. I am blessed in that both of my parents allowed me to have a wonderful childhood and I feel that to do the same for my family we need to be debt free and live a life closer to the land. I am by no means going to quit my job. In fact I look to do the opposite. I look to work in a way where I make decisions that I know are best for the company and can have the freedom of knowing even if a boss disapproves to the point of me loosing my job that I will be bale to live without the worry of where my next meal will come from. Take time right now and add up all the things we pay each month, (car note, credit card bills, house note, phone bill, student loan perhaps, cable bill, ect ect). Now imagine if all of that money stayed in your bank account each month instead of going to the banks and fattening their bottom line. We began a journey about a year ago to be debt free minus the house by the end of 2012. I am happy to report that we should not only hit that goal but possible get there a year early. At that point we will look to pay off this homestead.
This rant on debt brings me back to the original intent of the blog. We will be starting a venture next spring to propagate an acre garden that will allow us to produce all of the vegetables we need to eat on. We will also be getting strawberry plants, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry bushes, and maybe even a few grape vines. With the cows and pigs already here and chickens for laying eggs the only other meat we will need is chicken to eat. I will be building a Salatin style pen next spring to try out and hopefully it will prove successful enough t where we can produce all the meat we eat at the Jones household. Imagine you grocery bill cut by 90%!! that is the journey we are on. So come along and enjoy the ride and feel free to stop in for some help along the way!!
My wife and I have started a journey to get out of the rat race of life. i truly enjoy going to work and am blessed to be working for a great company that is stable and safe. If there is one thing I have learned for the great recession it is that depending on the safety of a paycheck is no way to live life. We have sought the council of many people including the teachings of Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, Donald Trump, ect... and have come to the conclusion that living life free from the chains of debt is the best way for us to raise our family and allow our children to live a life better than ours. Isn't that the goal of any parent to have their child live in a way better than they were able to. I am blessed in that both of my parents allowed me to have a wonderful childhood and I feel that to do the same for my family we need to be debt free and live a life closer to the land. I am by no means going to quit my job. In fact I look to do the opposite. I look to work in a way where I make decisions that I know are best for the company and can have the freedom of knowing even if a boss disapproves to the point of me loosing my job that I will be bale to live without the worry of where my next meal will come from. Take time right now and add up all the things we pay each month, (car note, credit card bills, house note, phone bill, student loan perhaps, cable bill, ect ect). Now imagine if all of that money stayed in your bank account each month instead of going to the banks and fattening their bottom line. We began a journey about a year ago to be debt free minus the house by the end of 2012. I am happy to report that we should not only hit that goal but possible get there a year early. At that point we will look to pay off this homestead.
This rant on debt brings me back to the original intent of the blog. We will be starting a venture next spring to propagate an acre garden that will allow us to produce all of the vegetables we need to eat on. We will also be getting strawberry plants, blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry bushes, and maybe even a few grape vines. With the cows and pigs already here and chickens for laying eggs the only other meat we will need is chicken to eat. I will be building a Salatin style pen next spring to try out and hopefully it will prove successful enough t where we can produce all the meat we eat at the Jones household. Imagine you grocery bill cut by 90%!! that is the journey we are on. So come along and enjoy the ride and feel free to stop in for some help along the way!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
First Harvests, Losses, and additions
Well we just got in from the garden and much to our surprise we were able to harvest 5 pods of Okra today. We also noted 3 cantaloupe developing and a watermelon had popped up. We have been pleasantly surprised with how easy the garden has grown this year. We really rushed to get it in and in doing so we did not get it tilled as well as we would have liked. The tomatoes are coming in well and we should have some in a few week. Squash is starting to form and the pole beans are beginning to sprout! We also have 2 pumpkin sprouts that we need to get in the ground.
Now for the fun news we are getting 3 pigs. They will all be female and hopefully will provide us with some free labor. While Logan and I both enjoy and occasional ham and eat bacon weekly these girls will probably not see the butchers knife for a few years. They are going to be put to work instead plowing up and fertilizing our strawberry patch and then the location of next years garden. I will be purchasing these three next weekend from a animal science professor at UT. They were involved in a fertility study but are no longer needed. Below is a picture of the house they will be getting. As with all things here on Little Feet farm we want to do what is best for the animal, us, and the earth. We believe that having these pigs out on pasture is a healthy alternative to the way most pigs are raised in confinement barns.
Now for the fun news we are getting 3 pigs. They will all be female and hopefully will provide us with some free labor. While Logan and I both enjoy and occasional ham and eat bacon weekly these girls will probably not see the butchers knife for a few years. They are going to be put to work instead plowing up and fertilizing our strawberry patch and then the location of next years garden. I will be purchasing these three next weekend from a animal science professor at UT. They were involved in a fertility study but are no longer needed. Below is a picture of the house they will be getting. As with all things here on Little Feet farm we want to do what is best for the animal, us, and the earth. We believe that having these pigs out on pasture is a healthy alternative to the way most pigs are raised in confinement barns.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Little Feet Farm: The Name
So, why is our farm called Little Feet Farm? When we first moved to Tennessee I use to baby-sit a little four-year-old girl and her baby sister. One day the four-year-old spent all day talking about going to the “Little Feet Café.” Being new to town I figured that it was some sort of restaurant. However, when her mother arrived I learned the story behind the, “Little Feet Café.” Apparently the little girl’s grandmother, who had four or five other grandchildren, lived on the other side of town and was within driving distance from all of her grandchildren.
In an attempt to spend quality time with the grandkids and give the parents a break, this grandmother kept all the children at her house on Thursdays or would pick them up from school. After school let out for the older ones, this grandmother would bring all of the kids in her kitchen, which she called, “Little Feet Café” (In honor of all her little grandchildren) and would teach them how to prepare a dinner. They all got to help, learn, share and eat together. It was quality time spent together and I’m sure all of her grandchildren will be able to look back on all those Thursday evenings in the “Little Feet Café” with fond memories and valuable lessons that they can carry with them.
Just like that little girl’s grandmother, Brian and I want our farm to be about quality time spent with our children. Quality time spent laughing, playing, learning, reading, farming, cooking, and praying. We want our children to grow up and be able to look back on their childhood with fond memories and valuable lessons that they can carry with them. I wanted the name of our farm to represent what we were about, which is why no other name seemed to fit except for “Little Feet Farm.” I also hope to get a sign for my kitchen one day that says, “Little Feet Café.”
Our kids are too young to understand why we do things the way we do them, but hopefully one day we can explain it to them. Hopefully, one day they will appreciate the life that we are trying to create for them. Hopefully, one day our ventures will give them the courage to set out on their our journey and create their own “Little Feet Cafes.”
In an attempt to spend quality time with the grandkids and give the parents a break, this grandmother kept all the children at her house on Thursdays or would pick them up from school. After school let out for the older ones, this grandmother would bring all of the kids in her kitchen, which she called, “Little Feet Café” (In honor of all her little grandchildren) and would teach them how to prepare a dinner. They all got to help, learn, share and eat together. It was quality time spent together and I’m sure all of her grandchildren will be able to look back on all those Thursday evenings in the “Little Feet Café” with fond memories and valuable lessons that they can carry with them.
Just like that little girl’s grandmother, Brian and I want our farm to be about quality time spent with our children. Quality time spent laughing, playing, learning, reading, farming, cooking, and praying. We want our children to grow up and be able to look back on their childhood with fond memories and valuable lessons that they can carry with them. I wanted the name of our farm to represent what we were about, which is why no other name seemed to fit except for “Little Feet Farm.” I also hope to get a sign for my kitchen one day that says, “Little Feet Café.”
Our kids are too young to understand why we do things the way we do them, but hopefully one day we can explain it to them. Hopefully, one day they will appreciate the life that we are trying to create for them. Hopefully, one day our ventures will give them the courage to set out on their our journey and create their own “Little Feet Cafes.”
Sunday, July 25, 2010
What a difference a year makes!
It still amazes me sometimes, how did we end up here? This time last year I was packing up all our belongings, unsure were we would be moving to, and nine months pregnant with Colin. Let me back up a little, to two months before. Everything was going well. We lived in a beautiful home, that we custom built, in a great neighborhood, filled with great neighbors and lots of kids. Brian had a great job with a top Lumber Company and I, a stay-at-home mom, had a growing childcare business, which I ran out of my home. Hannah (our daughter) loved playing with the other kids, and with my new before/after school kids joining the mix, I was on track to be making an extra $1,500/month or more when the following school year started back. Things were going great and we had No intentions of leaving our home or Texas for another 5-7 years.
That all changed one night when Brian came home from work, my mom was in town, so we went out for a very rare date night. Rather than dinner and a movie, we went to a park. Sitting on a bench, overlooking the lake, Brian told me that he was ready to go back home to the southeast. He had no idea how we were going to do this, no job transfer was lined up, no houses in our neighborhood were selling, no clue how to make this happen. We figured this was more of a long-term goal. We prayed and decided that we would just leave it up to God. His timing, his location, whatever was meant to be will happen, when the time was right. So that is how we left it.
We got the ball rolling, but realized that it would take a miracle to actually make this happen. Every card was stacked against us. Two realtors told us we would have to pay a Lot of money at closing to sell our house, no job transfers were available, three houses, all next door to us, have been on the market for over a year with no offers, oh and I was pregnant with Colin.
We just prayed, honestly that’s about all we could do. One by one things started to happen. We found a realtor, a great realtor, who said that she Could sell our house and she could do it without us paying anything at closing. We got an offer, but with a very heavy heart we had to decline it because we still had no job transfer. Would we get another offer? Yes! We got another offer, but it was for less than we needed. This went on and on, each time we wanted to accept the offer, but something just didn’t work. Four different couples made offers and counter-offers and after only five weeks on the market, we sold our house for Full asking price! Our neighbors were shocked, to say the least! (we lived in a cookie-cutter neighborhood, so it didn’t make sense to us either). We sold our house, but with only four weeks until Colin was due we still had no where to move to. Brian’s company had agreed to help him get a transfer back to the southeast, we just didn’t have a location yet. So we started packing.
One week before Colin was due Brian got a call to come to Morristown, TN for a job interview within the company. He flew out on Friday morning (Colin was due on Sunday) and flew back that night with a job! What a relief! Four weeks after Colin was born we packed up the U-haul (which Brian’s Uncle Jerry thankfully drove), our dog, a one-month old (Colin), and our 22-month old (Hannah) and headed to Tennessee!
We loved living in Tennessee, but after only six months in a rental house we decided we wanted to move to the country and start a farm. Which brings us here. So, now we live in the middle of nowhere, with no T.V.. We spend our nights moving cows and chickens or just talking.
The no T.V. thing started as an attempt to have one free summer on the farm enjoying nature, rather than just watching T.V., but much to our surprise we found that we LOVE not having the T.V.! The kids don’t miss it and honestly Brian and I don’t either. It is definitely going to be a permanent change in our house, so sorry for any people who come to visit who may have an issue with that.
It fun to see life as an adventure! I think when you follow your heart and really listen to where God is leading you it’s amazing the places you will go! Brian and I love Tennessee, we love farming and we both feel very strongly that this is exactly where God wants us to be right now. I have a very strong feeling that this is the beginning of something bigger than I can imagine right now, bigger than our little five acre mini-farm. I don’t know what the future holds for us and our farming venture, but it is a very exciting time in our family. If things can change so drastically in one year, I wonder what next year will be like? I guess we will have to wait and see.
That all changed one night when Brian came home from work, my mom was in town, so we went out for a very rare date night. Rather than dinner and a movie, we went to a park. Sitting on a bench, overlooking the lake, Brian told me that he was ready to go back home to the southeast. He had no idea how we were going to do this, no job transfer was lined up, no houses in our neighborhood were selling, no clue how to make this happen. We figured this was more of a long-term goal. We prayed and decided that we would just leave it up to God. His timing, his location, whatever was meant to be will happen, when the time was right. So that is how we left it.
We got the ball rolling, but realized that it would take a miracle to actually make this happen. Every card was stacked against us. Two realtors told us we would have to pay a Lot of money at closing to sell our house, no job transfers were available, three houses, all next door to us, have been on the market for over a year with no offers, oh and I was pregnant with Colin.
We just prayed, honestly that’s about all we could do. One by one things started to happen. We found a realtor, a great realtor, who said that she Could sell our house and she could do it without us paying anything at closing. We got an offer, but with a very heavy heart we had to decline it because we still had no job transfer. Would we get another offer? Yes! We got another offer, but it was for less than we needed. This went on and on, each time we wanted to accept the offer, but something just didn’t work. Four different couples made offers and counter-offers and after only five weeks on the market, we sold our house for Full asking price! Our neighbors were shocked, to say the least! (we lived in a cookie-cutter neighborhood, so it didn’t make sense to us either). We sold our house, but with only four weeks until Colin was due we still had no where to move to. Brian’s company had agreed to help him get a transfer back to the southeast, we just didn’t have a location yet. So we started packing.
One week before Colin was due Brian got a call to come to Morristown, TN for a job interview within the company. He flew out on Friday morning (Colin was due on Sunday) and flew back that night with a job! What a relief! Four weeks after Colin was born we packed up the U-haul (which Brian’s Uncle Jerry thankfully drove), our dog, a one-month old (Colin), and our 22-month old (Hannah) and headed to Tennessee!
We loved living in Tennessee, but after only six months in a rental house we decided we wanted to move to the country and start a farm. Which brings us here. So, now we live in the middle of nowhere, with no T.V.. We spend our nights moving cows and chickens or just talking.
The no T.V. thing started as an attempt to have one free summer on the farm enjoying nature, rather than just watching T.V., but much to our surprise we found that we LOVE not having the T.V.! The kids don’t miss it and honestly Brian and I don’t either. It is definitely going to be a permanent change in our house, so sorry for any people who come to visit who may have an issue with that.
It fun to see life as an adventure! I think when you follow your heart and really listen to where God is leading you it’s amazing the places you will go! Brian and I love Tennessee, we love farming and we both feel very strongly that this is exactly where God wants us to be right now. I have a very strong feeling that this is the beginning of something bigger than I can imagine right now, bigger than our little five acre mini-farm. I don’t know what the future holds for us and our farming venture, but it is a very exciting time in our family. If things can change so drastically in one year, I wonder what next year will be like? I guess we will have to wait and see.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My cows go to the beach every day
Now that is just crazy talk right? The nearest beach is a good 6 hour drive from here. So in the physical sense this statement is crazy talk but what my cows do get is that miracle vitamin called Kelp meal. What the heck is kelp meal? ![](
Kelp is the green stuff in the picture above. It hangs out in the oceans of the world and grabs nutrients out of the sea. Those nutrients are stored into these wonderful plants until they are harvested by kelp farmers!! They then air dry the kelp and grind it up. That leaves the kelp meal that the cows can gobble up. on average they will eat about 1 oz of kelp meal per animal. Why not just give them grass you ask? Well the simple answer is kelp meal is like the cattle version on Veema (a multivitamin). Just like us cows are picky eaters and left to their own accord they would only eat the junk food grass on pasture. So what we are able to do is supplement their diet with this kelp meal that is kept out on pasture with them. They can eat as much or as little as they need b/c it is fed buffet style. The nice thing about kelp is that is is super high in iodine so it helps the animals avoid getting pinkeye disease. When you pour it out it smells just like the ocean so it makes me think of the beach every time I am in the field near the mineral feeder.
Kelp is the green stuff in the picture above. It hangs out in the oceans of the world and grabs nutrients out of the sea. Those nutrients are stored into these wonderful plants until they are harvested by kelp farmers!! They then air dry the kelp and grind it up. That leaves the kelp meal that the cows can gobble up. on average they will eat about 1 oz of kelp meal per animal. Why not just give them grass you ask? Well the simple answer is kelp meal is like the cattle version on Veema (a multivitamin). Just like us cows are picky eaters and left to their own accord they would only eat the junk food grass on pasture. So what we are able to do is supplement their diet with this kelp meal that is kept out on pasture with them. They can eat as much or as little as they need b/c it is fed buffet style. The nice thing about kelp is that is is super high in iodine so it helps the animals avoid getting pinkeye disease. When you pour it out it smells just like the ocean so it makes me think of the beach every time I am in the field near the mineral feeder.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The Garden
Back row: Broccoli, Carrot, Spinach
Third Row: Bell Peppers
Second Row: Tomato, Squash, basil
Front row: Watermelon, okra, pumpkin, cantelope
A little late in the year but we got a small garden in. Most of the plants we had to buy from a nursery b/c it was too late to grown from seed. We were able to seed the squash, broccoli, carrots, spinach, and pumpkins. This year is definitely a trial run. We really just wanted to get a little bit in the ground to see what would grow and how we can improve. We are already making plans to have a compost pile.
We also bought a couple of Raspberry bushes (Red Latham) and blueberry bushes (Top Hat), and a seedless grape vine. Next spring we will be planting some fruit trees.
Third Row: Bell Peppers
Second Row: Tomato, Squash, basil
Front row: Watermelon, okra, pumpkin, cantelope
A little late in the year but we got a small garden in. Most of the plants we had to buy from a nursery b/c it was too late to grown from seed. We were able to seed the squash, broccoli, carrots, spinach, and pumpkins. This year is definitely a trial run. We really just wanted to get a little bit in the ground to see what would grow and how we can improve. We are already making plans to have a compost pile.
We also bought a couple of Raspberry bushes (Red Latham) and blueberry bushes (Top Hat), and a seedless grape vine. Next spring we will be planting some fruit trees.
Friday, July 2, 2010
The chicks are outside!!
Well, the next step on the road to farm fresh eggs was achieved today when we moved our hens from the living room out into their new home on the range. At two weeks and 5 days old the decision was made that our furry friends just had to get out of the house. The pack-N-Play which they had called home for so long was now becoming a place to practice acrobatics. They learned that they could fly the other day and would frequent the top of the pack n play. Left to their own devices all was well, but when a toddler or dog would get close wings would fly and chicks would end up out of their pen and on the run. Needless to say, I about fell out of my chair at work when I read an e-mail from my exacerbated wife exclaiming that she had been chasing chicks around the living room for the better part of the afternoon and that they were getting moved as soon as I got home!
The art of the chicken move. Getting these little fellows has been quite an experience. thanks to the good folks at we were able to place an order for 15 White Plymouth Rocks. Why those you ask? Well rumor (and the Internet) has it that these chickens are pretty good around kids and that they were excellent foragers. So are we "free ranging our chicks?. The answer is no, but they are getting moved on a daily basis. At 2 weeks old they are way too small to be left to their own accord out on the farm. While I have yet to see any predators, besides one hawk, I don't want to risk it. So what I did instead is create a system where their nesting box and fenced in area is moved on a daily basis to fresh grass. The bottom of the pen is wide open so they can frolic to and fro and eat bugs. The chicks aren't herbivores so we still give them a bit of chick feed from the local co-op. Knock on wood we haven't lost a single one yet, we have actually gained one!! I kept counting 16 but my wife called me crazy. Today we had to do a long move and collected them all in a box. Low and behold we had 16 chicks!!
Why put the chicks out on pasture? We are firm believers that God has provided the blueprint if we just read it. If you look at nature you can see countless times that the birds would follow after the migrating herds. They did this to help sanitize the area just vacated by all those herbivores. Anyone who has been thru a cow pasture knows to tread lightly or pay the smelly consequences. What our birds will be doing is going behind and eating the bugs that remain after the cows have left a paddock. This will greatly reduce the amount of flies around the cows (a real problem, as any cattle farmer can attest.) The flies are such a problem in fact that all of these great chemicals have been created to deal with the issue but again the flies adapt. Well it's kinda hard to adapt to a hungry hen coming up and plucking you out of your home. It is quite a joy to hear them cackle as the pen gets moved. they are starting to figure out that the moving is a good thing and cluck with delight at the sight of me or Logan.
This is probably one of the few things that any suburbanite can do. I will post a picture of the chicken coop tomorrow but the fact that it can be moved allows for your grass to get fertilized and your neighbors to not be overrun by chickens. they are confined to a space but still given new food source on a daily basis. For any farmer looking to make a profit, he will see his feed bill cut by 70%. The old school model of a stationary chicken house and a yard devoid of vegetation is just that, old. The new model of confinement chicken raising is just wrong (speaking from experience on that one). So go out to your local hardware store or go on craigslist and get a portable coop (about $200). Also, for the brave gardener, you could run the chickens in between rows to debug, but make sure you don't leave them on any one spot more than a day.
The art of the chicken move. Getting these little fellows has been quite an experience. thanks to the good folks at we were able to place an order for 15 White Plymouth Rocks. Why those you ask? Well rumor (and the Internet) has it that these chickens are pretty good around kids and that they were excellent foragers. So are we "free ranging our chicks?. The answer is no, but they are getting moved on a daily basis. At 2 weeks old they are way too small to be left to their own accord out on the farm. While I have yet to see any predators, besides one hawk, I don't want to risk it. So what I did instead is create a system where their nesting box and fenced in area is moved on a daily basis to fresh grass. The bottom of the pen is wide open so they can frolic to and fro and eat bugs. The chicks aren't herbivores so we still give them a bit of chick feed from the local co-op. Knock on wood we haven't lost a single one yet, we have actually gained one!! I kept counting 16 but my wife called me crazy. Today we had to do a long move and collected them all in a box. Low and behold we had 16 chicks!!
Why put the chicks out on pasture? We are firm believers that God has provided the blueprint if we just read it. If you look at nature you can see countless times that the birds would follow after the migrating herds. They did this to help sanitize the area just vacated by all those herbivores. Anyone who has been thru a cow pasture knows to tread lightly or pay the smelly consequences. What our birds will be doing is going behind and eating the bugs that remain after the cows have left a paddock. This will greatly reduce the amount of flies around the cows (a real problem, as any cattle farmer can attest.) The flies are such a problem in fact that all of these great chemicals have been created to deal with the issue but again the flies adapt. Well it's kinda hard to adapt to a hungry hen coming up and plucking you out of your home. It is quite a joy to hear them cackle as the pen gets moved. they are starting to figure out that the moving is a good thing and cluck with delight at the sight of me or Logan.
This is probably one of the few things that any suburbanite can do. I will post a picture of the chicken coop tomorrow but the fact that it can be moved allows for your grass to get fertilized and your neighbors to not be overrun by chickens. they are confined to a space but still given new food source on a daily basis. For any farmer looking to make a profit, he will see his feed bill cut by 70%. The old school model of a stationary chicken house and a yard devoid of vegetation is just that, old. The new model of confinement chicken raising is just wrong (speaking from experience on that one). So go out to your local hardware store or go on craigslist and get a portable coop (about $200). Also, for the brave gardener, you could run the chickens in between rows to debug, but make sure you don't leave them on any one spot more than a day.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The easy way and the right way
One of the things that my wife and I decided early in our marriage (and really before that) was that nothing we were going to do was going to be easy. We spent 2 years of our courtship separated by 13 hours (her in Georgia and me in Texas). We had 2 kids within 21 months of each other and then came this crazy idea to move with a one month old baby and a two year old out to Tennessee. We settled in a rental house about 30 minutes outside of Knoxville. We made the decision early on that city life in east Tennessee was not really something that interested us. In keeping with our knack for doing things the hard way we decided that we needed to find the perfect piece of land for way below our budget price (thanks Dave Ramsey). So after looking at 100 houses (no joke) we found the homestead for us. Three days before closing this dream was almost take from us, but we pulled through and were able to get a clean title. Furthermore, we decided that in order to get out of our rental contract we would move in 4 days, while also having one of the busiest work weeks of the year.
All that to say, we don't like cutting corners and have learned that the right way isn't always the easy way. It is the same philosophy we have taken in creating this farm. We want to produce and sell all natural products, raised the way God intended, on grass. This is especially true of of cows but also of our chickens. We will be giving them a new pad of grass daily to munch on that allows them the freedom to exercise. Our cows are given small patches of grass each day from which to eat as well. This is known in the cattle biz as, a bunch of hippy crap (j/k), it is really known as, managed intensive grazing. Long story short, cows don't wallow around in the same spot every day which is good for the grass and good for the cows. We try and mimic the herds of present day Africa or the great Bison herds of the Midwest. They would stay in one place only for a short time and then move on, which gave us the great bread basket we all depend on today. This allows us to finish our cows (grow them) on grass alone with no need to feed grains like corn. Why is that important? Their are 2 benefits to this production model. the first is that cows are not shipped half way across the country to be crammed into feed lots like sardines and pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. The second is that it produces some of the leanest meat that can even compete with chicken. Think about a deer for a second. Do hunters pen them up for the last year of their life and pump them full of corn? No of course not they live on grass and this allows them to gain weight the health way. For more nutritional benefits just google grass fed beef or visit Oprah's site.
Well there you have it. The philosophy behind Little Feet Farm. We want to provide for a select number of people a product that rivals any on the market in quality, freshness, and healthiness all while doing it in a manor that leaves this place in a shape better than it is now.
All that to say, we don't like cutting corners and have learned that the right way isn't always the easy way. It is the same philosophy we have taken in creating this farm. We want to produce and sell all natural products, raised the way God intended, on grass. This is especially true of of cows but also of our chickens. We will be giving them a new pad of grass daily to munch on that allows them the freedom to exercise. Our cows are given small patches of grass each day from which to eat as well. This is known in the cattle biz as, a bunch of hippy crap (j/k), it is really known as, managed intensive grazing. Long story short, cows don't wallow around in the same spot every day which is good for the grass and good for the cows. We try and mimic the herds of present day Africa or the great Bison herds of the Midwest. They would stay in one place only for a short time and then move on, which gave us the great bread basket we all depend on today. This allows us to finish our cows (grow them) on grass alone with no need to feed grains like corn. Why is that important? Their are 2 benefits to this production model. the first is that cows are not shipped half way across the country to be crammed into feed lots like sardines and pumped full of antibiotics and growth hormones. The second is that it produces some of the leanest meat that can even compete with chicken. Think about a deer for a second. Do hunters pen them up for the last year of their life and pump them full of corn? No of course not they live on grass and this allows them to gain weight the health way. For more nutritional benefits just google grass fed beef or visit Oprah's site.
Well there you have it. The philosophy behind Little Feet Farm. We want to provide for a select number of people a product that rivals any on the market in quality, freshness, and healthiness all while doing it in a manor that leaves this place in a shape better than it is now.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
In the beginning
I will be writing this blog as a journal to look back on and laugh as well as to give some incite to friends and future customers about the start of our farming venture. As with all great dreams this one starts at a young age. I have always been enthralled with the idea of farming. I can vividly remember spending summers on the farm with my uncle and meme (my grandmother but she would never accept that title). I remember begging my Mom to make the six hour tract down to central Tennessee or the three hour tract up to Tennessee (we move a couple of times). It was here that I was first introduced to the first love of my life farming. As I grew up, much to the chagrin of my mother, I never lost the appeal to become a farmer.
Before her passing Meme told me she just knew that one day I would live the dream and own a farm. Well that dream has become a mini reality. My wife and I recently (2 weeks ago) purchased 5 acres in the east Tennessee town of Midway and now are in the farming business. This venture will take us wherever we decide but for now it is just a learning tool and a fulfilment of a dream. We are currently raising 5 steers and 15 hens and doing it the all natural way with no pesticides or fertilizers just plain fresh air and bugs. This blog will be our outlet to the world of the joys and pains of trying to make a living off the land. Feel free to join the ride with us and hopefully taste the fruits of our labor this coming fall.
Editors note: Spelling and grammer have never been great areas for me so please forgive any errors here within these posts.
Before her passing Meme told me she just knew that one day I would live the dream and own a farm. Well that dream has become a mini reality. My wife and I recently (2 weeks ago) purchased 5 acres in the east Tennessee town of Midway and now are in the farming business. This venture will take us wherever we decide but for now it is just a learning tool and a fulfilment of a dream. We are currently raising 5 steers and 15 hens and doing it the all natural way with no pesticides or fertilizers just plain fresh air and bugs. This blog will be our outlet to the world of the joys and pains of trying to make a living off the land. Feel free to join the ride with us and hopefully taste the fruits of our labor this coming fall.
Editors note: Spelling and grammer have never been great areas for me so please forgive any errors here within these posts.
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